Milhelcic stresses the need for the service organization to support veterans and local posts
LAS VEGAS – Three Nevada Guard Soldiers from 1st Squadron 221 Cavalry were recognized for helping a Virginia woman who was involved in a car crash while serving in support of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C. earlier this year.
WASHINGTON (Feb. 16, 2021) - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will extend the existing moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, as well as extend VA loan forbearance requests, to June 30, because of COVID-19.
VFW NATIONAL CONVENTION HOUSING - 122nd National Convention housing will officially open March 19, 2021
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Feb. 1, 2021) - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to celebrate our nation's African American service members and veterans throughout the month of February, Black History Month.
GEORGETOWN, Texas (Jan. 25, 2021) - Today, Sport Clips Haircuts presented a
$1,026,105 donation check to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Foundation to provide scholarships for service members and veterans. Even in a pandemic, veterans are returning from active military duty to prepare for civilian careers that often require additional college, graduate, and technical degrees and training. To ease the financial burden of going back to school, Sport Clips and the VFW have teamed up for the past seven years to provide assistance through the Help A Hero Scholarship program
Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) home loans have often been regarded as the premier in Government-backed home loans. Well, as of January 1st, 2020, these loans have become even better than they have ever been over their long 76-year history.
The VFW is proud to continue sharing these opportunities with a new generation of veteran leaders through our strong partnership with SVA
staggering 20 veterans commit suicide every day, and the VFW is committed to helping change the narrative and stigma surrounding mental health in America.
VFW, Sport Clips Award Nearly $700,000 in Scholarships to Veterans The financial burden of the fall semester will be made easier for 158 veterans
Several Veterans and Service Members experienced the Irreverent Warriors Program in Reno.
Goal is to build awareness of resources available to Veterans
Emergency assistance for Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness during COVID-19 crisis
The VFW Silver State Post 3396 participated in the 39 North Pole event on December 9-10, 2016.
UVLC teleconferenced meeting on January 26th from 3pm-5pm
The Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline have joined with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to create the Veterans Self-Check Quiz. This is a safe, easy way to learn whether stress and depression might be affecting you.
Please enter one piece of original valentine themed art in our first fundraiser, Sweathearts’ Art and Valentine Fair. The public will be invited to view and purchase your piece. 15% of your sale price will benefit DJD Foundation and Center for Healthy Aging.
VFW Auxiliary # 3396 is excited to announce the kick-off of the VFW Auxiliary’s annual Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Local students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to compete for $21,000 in national scholarships.
The Silver State Post 3396 is hosting its annual VFW Program Awards night at O'Cleary's Irish Pub on March 4th 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We will be awarding and updating the community of our programs and need to support the Service Members, Veterans and their Families.
The VFW Silver State Post 3396 is hosting a "Change Direction" Poker Run on April 22, 2017 honoring the estimated 22 Military and Veterans that commit suicide. Registration will take place at 8am at VFW Post 9211 with the ride starting at 9am. The ride will travel to Carson City, Virginia City and end up at the Great Basin Brewery, 846 Victorian Avenue, Sparks Nevada. The best hand will win $250.00
VFW Post 10053 located in Verdi Nevada annual spaghetti feed on Saturday, April 1, 2017
May 19-22, 2017 Our oldest and perhaps most historically significant program is the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy program. The Post will hold its Armed Forces Day Buddy Poppy Drive at the Smiths Food and Drug Store on 1255 Baring Drive Sparks Nevada 89434.
Department of Nevada Mid-Winter Conference January 20, 2018, Nugget Casino Resort
Join Nevada's Veterans as we carry 6950 dog tags in honor of service members lost since 9/11/2001 from the Las Vegas Veterans Memorial to the Fernley Veterans Memorial Cemetery, a total of 370 miles.
The local MOC Pup Tent #3 VA Nursing Scholarship Dinner is where we recognize the five outstanding VA Nursing Students with a $1,000.00 scholarship. On October 6, 2018 at the Gold N Silver Inn at 6pm.
The VFW Post 3396 in cooperation with Truckee Meadows Veterans Club and UNR Veteran Services Office are looking for interested parties that would be interested in Marching in the 2019 Bataan Memorial Death March in New Mexico.
Now through December 31, 2018, purchase any Henry firearm from an authorized Henry dealer and you are eligible for a $25 gift certificate good for any purchase at the VFW Store.
WORLD WAR ONE COMMISSION PARTNERSHIP. Any municipal government, individual or organization may apply. Likewise, any individual, organization or company can become a sponsor of this effort, as the more we can raise toward this program, the greater the amount of the matching grant to the winning memorials.
Below is a link for our email newsletter and upcoming events.
Nation’s Top Teachers Selected for VFW Award The three recipients will accept their awards at the VFW’s annual convention in July
VFW Fact Sheet 2019
VFW’s Annual Youth Scholarship Competition Opens Every year, students compete for their share of $3 million in scholarships and awards
VFW Silver State Post 3396 worked with 20 veterans, service members and friends to attend the 30th anniversary Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
“It is erected for the families of the community and younger generation so they know what freedom is all about and the sacrifices." -- Jon Yuspa, Honor Flight Nevada
The VFW recently contracted with a leaderin the data hygiene industry to review a portion of our Life Member file;specifically, 343,121 members over the age of 75. This review covered multiple data sources,which include the Social Security Administration Death Master File (SSA DFM),15 statedirect sources, and credit header data. As a result, we have identified andupdated over 88,000 Life Member records to reflect deceased.
VFW Patriotic Essay Competition Deadlines Approaching Student and teacher entries must be submitted through a VFW Post
On Thursday, September 26, 2019, the Veterans Benefits Administration retroactive payment process failed to complete due to a computer processing error
Twisted X Signs on as Title Sponsor of VFW Youth Programs'We're excited to bring Twisted X on board to help ensure this treasured tradition continues'
VFW Demands Congress Hold VA Accountable for Failure to Grant Benefits to Vietnam, Post 9/11 Veterans Suffering from Toxic Exposures 'It's time for Congress to change the framework for providing benefits to individuals who suffer from conditions associated with toxic exposures'
‘We salute every woman, most-notably our women veterans, who selflessly answer the call of freedom each and every day’
Nebraska high school senior takes home first place and a $30,000 scholarship
VFW Names First Post-9/11 Veteran to Lead Washington Office The Iraq War veteran said he is optimist about VFW’s future
The Independent Budget Veterans Agenda for the 118th Congress lays out five critical issues facing VA and presents the funding needed to meet those challenges
Passing of Past State Commander Joe Rigsby
Passing of Department Quartermaster Dick Gardner
WASHINGTON - For the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and for our nation, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is an important one. Mad...
WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to announce the selection of the first woman veteran as director of the V...